How C-Play opens and interpret media files

You can open various formats for video, images and audio directly by using “Open file”.

However, while C-Play is this flexible, it has been designed to use combinations of video, images and audio during a show.

For insight into how video is handled, se:

And images, either as primary source, backgrounds or overlays, se:

Both video and images can be mapped onto physical objects in multiple ways, se:

Audio, can be loaded without video, but usually are combined inside the video or as adjacent files, se:

C-Play file structures

You can save a media bundle, based on numerous content specified above, to make C-Play load everything correctly from one file. Se this guide how to make these:

Also, multiple cplayfiles can be ordered in a playlist, through this guide:

From C-Play v2.1, you can build slides with multiple media layers which can be viewed as an immersive presentation, through this guide: