It’s up to you if you want the HTTP Web API of C-Play to be enabled or not. Just change the configuration file in “data/http-server-conf.json” to enable/disable the service at runtime. Here you can also modify which port it should utilize.
All api commands are in form of HTTP Post, regardless of what it does, for simplicity.
Below are the various valid endpoints that C-Play responds to. If no specific format is mentioned, it is pure text, in and out.
To easier understand these commands, feel free to utilize a sample Medialon Manager 7 project, that can be found here.
General ones.
Endpoint: /status
Purpose: To check connection.
Returns: "OK"
Endpoint: /media_title
Purpose: To retrieve the media title of current media.
Returns: The title as text/string
Endpoint: /position
Purpose: Which position in time the current media has.
Params: Optional to supply "format=hh:mm:ss/zz", or similiar to get a format time string. Or supply "set=" to actually set a time position.
Returns: The time (in seconds) or as formatted time string.
Endpoint: /seek
Purpose: Seek relative time, backward or forward
Params: Required to supply "time=value", where value is in seconds. A negative integer is for backward seek and positive integer for forward seek. Optional to supply "format=hh:mm:ss/zz", or similiar to get a format time string.
Returns: The time (in seconds) or as formatted time string.
Endpoint: /remaining
Purpose: Which remaining time the current media has.
Params: Optional to supply "format=hh:mm:ss/zz", or similiar to get a format time string.
Returns: The time (in seconds) or as formatted time string.
Endpoint: /duration
Purpose: Which total duration time the current media has.
Params: Optional to supply "format=hh:mm:ss/zz", or similiar to get a format time string.
Returns: The time (in seconds) or as formatted time string.
Endpoint: /play
Purpose: Ask C-play to play current media.
Returns: "Play"
Endpoint: /pause
Purpose: Ask C-play to pause current media.
Returns: "Pause"
Endpoint: /stop or /rewind
Purpose: Ask C-play to stop/rewind current media to start position.
Returns: "Stop/Rewind"
Endpoint: /auto_play
Purpose: Enable or disables the use of auto play in the playlist.
Params: Optional to supply a "on=1" or "on=0" to enable or disable the auto play feature.
Returns: When "on=" is added, a message indiciating success or an error. Otherwise returns 0 if auto play is disabled and 1 if it's enabled.
Endpoint: /speed
Purpose: Which playback speed the media player has.
Params: Optional to supply "factor=value", to set playback speed to specify value. The value should be between 0.01-100.
Returns: The playback speed.
Handle volume level and image visibility
Endpoint: /volume
Purpose: To handle audio volume.
Params: Optional to supply "level=" and a value between 0 and 100.
Returns: The volume level (0 to 100)
Endpoint: /fade_duration
Purpose: Time value of how long a fade takes in C-Play.
Params: Optional to supply "format=hh:mm:ss/zz", or similiar to get a format time string.
Returns: The time (in seconds) or as formatted time string.
Endpoint: /fade_volume_down
Purpose: Ask C-play to lower volume to zero during a certain "fade" time period.
Returns: "Fading volume down"
Endpoint: /fade_volume_up
Purpose: Ask C-play to increase volume to previous chosen level during a certain "fade" time period.
Returns: "Fading volume up"
Endpoint: /fade_image_down
Purpose: Ask C-play to decrease the visibility of the video/image to 0% during a certain "fade" time period.
Returns: "Fading image down"
Endpoint: /fade_image_up
Purpose: Ask C-play to increase the visibility of the image/video to 100% during a certain "fade" time period.
Returns: "Fading image up"
Endpoint: /sync_image_volume_fade
Purpose: Ask C-play to increase the image/video view to 100% during a certain "fade" time period.
Params: Either supply "value=1" or "value=0" to set if sync between fade is enabled or not
Returns: 0 or 1 depending on if sync is disabled or enabled. Returns "Setting syncImageVolumeFade to *" when the value parameter is supplied.
Endpoint: /visibility
Purpose: Return the visibility of the image/video.
Returns: A value between 0 and 100
Varios media modes
Endpoint: /stereo_mode
Purpose: Return the current stereoscopic mode in C-play.
Returns: A value between 0 and 3
// 0 = 2D (mono)
// 1 = 3D (side-by-side)
// 2 = 3D (top-bottom)
// 3 = 3D (top-bottom-flip)
Endpoint: /grid_mode
Purpose: Return the current set grid mode in C-play.
Returns: A value between 0 and 4
// 0 = Pre-split
// 1 = Plane
// 2 = Dome
// 3 = Sphere EQR
// 4 = Sphere EAC
Endpoint: /loop_mode
Purpose: Return the current loop/eof (end of file) mode in C-play.
Returns: A value between 0 and 2
// 0 = Pause
// 1 = Continue to next
// 2 = Loop
Endpoint: /view_mode
Purpose: Return or set the "view mode" in C-play, which means to force 2D or let content decide.
Params: Optional to set it, using "mode=0" or "mode=1".
Returns: A value between 0 and 1
//0 = Auto 2D/3D switch
//1 = Force 2D for all
Handle background and foreground image remotely
Endpoint: /background_image
Purpose: Enable or disables the use of background.
Params: Optional to supply a "on=1" or "on=0" to enable or disable the background image.
Returns: When "on=" is added, a message indiciating success or an error. Otherwise return 0 if background is disabled and 1 if enabled.
Endpoint: /background_image_stereo_mode
Purpose: Return the stereoscopic mode for the background image.
Returns: A value between 0 and 3 (see /stereo_mode enpoint for logic)
Endpoint: /background_image_grid_mode
Purpose: Return the grid mode for the background image.
Returns: A value between 0 and 4 (see /grid_mode enpoint for logic)
Endpoint: /foreground_image
Purpose: Enable or disables the use of foreground.
Params: Optional to supply a "on=1" or "on=0" to enable or disable the foreground image.
Returns: When "on=" is added, a message indiciating success or an error. Otherwise returns 0 if foreground is disabled and 1 if enabled.
Endpoint: /foreground_image_stereo_mode
Purpose: Return the stereoscopic mode for the foreground image.
Returns: A value between 0 and 3 (see /stereo_mode enpoint for logic)
Endpoint: /foreground_image_grid_mode
Purpose: Return the grid mode for the foreground image.
Returns: A value between 0 and 4 (see /grid_mode enpoint for logic)
Handle lists remotely
Endpoint: /playlist
Purpose: Retrieve a formatted string of the playlist in C-play.
Params: Optional to "charsPerItem=33", or another value to limit the characters in the name (to for instance 33).
Returns: A formatted text string that can be handled as a list.
Endpoint: /playing_in_playlist
Purpose: Return the index of the current loaded item in the playlist.
Returns: A value between 0 and number of items. -1 if nothing is selected.
Endpoint: /load_from_playlist
Purpose: To load a specific item in the playlist.
Params: Mandatory to supply "index=", and a value of the index you want to load.
Returns: A message to indicate success or an error.
Endpoint: /audiotracks
Purpose: Retrieve a formatted string of all audio tracks current loaded media has.
Params: Optional to "charsPerItem=33", or another value to limit the characters in the name (to for instance 33). Also optionally to supply "removeLoadedFilePrefix=1" to remove the matching characters from start between video and audio, to shorten the string further.
Returns: A formatted text string that can be handled as a list.
Endpoint: /playing_in_audiotracks
Purpose: Return the index of the current loaded audio track.
Returns: A value between 0 and number of tracks. -1 if nothing is selected.
Endpoint: /load_from_audiotracks
Purpose: To load a new audio track in the list of audio tracks.
Params: Mandatory to supply "index=", and a value of the index you want to load.
Returns: A message to indicate success or an error.
Endpoint: /sections
Purpose: Retrieve a formatted string of the sections the current loaded media has.
Params: Optional to "charsPerItem=33", or another value to limit the characters in the name (to for instance 33).
Returns: A formatted text string that can be handled as a list.
Endpoint: /playing_in_sections
Purpose: Return the index of the current loaded section in the section list.
Returns: A value between 0 and number of tracks. -1 if nothing is selected.
Endpoint: /load_from_sections
Purpose: To load a specific section in the section list.
Params: Mandatory to supply "index=", and a value of the index you want to load.
Returns: A message to indicate success or an error.
Endpoint: /section_start_time
Purpose: Time value of when current playing section starts.
Params: Optional to supply "format=hh:mm:ss/zz", or similiar to get a format time string.
Returns: The time (in seconds) or as formatted time string.
Endpoint: /section_end_time
Purpose: Time value of when current playing section ends.
Params: Optional to supply "format=hh:mm:ss/zz", or similiar to get a format time string.
Returns: The time (in seconds) or as formatted time string.
Endpoint: /section_end_mode
Purpose: The mode which handle what happend when the current loaded section ends.
Returns: A value between 0 and 4 (see meaning below)
// 0 = Pause
// 1 = Fade out (then pause)
// 2 = Continue
// 3 = Next
// 4 = Loop
Spin the grid
Endpoint: /orientation_reset
Purpose: Reset the orientation of the grid/mapping to default value.
Returns: A success message
Endpoint: /surface_transition
Purpose: Launch a transition to a secondary set of values, configured in the settings.
Params: Optional to supply "format=hh:mm:ss/zz", or similiar to get a format time string on how long the transisition runs.
Returns: The transisiton time (in seconds) or as formatted time string.
The remaining spin endpoints below follow this scheme:
Purpose: Enable or disable the spin controls.
Params: Mandatory to supply a "on=1" or "on=0" to enable or disable this spin.
Returns: A message indiciating success or an error.
Endpoints that follow these schemes:
Endpoint: /spin_pitch_up
Endpoint: /spin_pitch_down
Endpoint: /spin_yaw_left
Endpoint: /spin_yaw_right
Endpoint: /spin_roll_ccw
Endpoint: /spin_roll_cw
JSON calls
Endpoint: /playfile_json
Purpose: To return a JSON structure of the current media state, stored as cplayfile
Returns: A json structure
Endpoint: /playlist_json
Purpose: To return a JSON structure of the playlist.
Returns: A json structure